We are the independents. The dreamers. The doers. Scholars and scientists. Artists and athletes. Making our way and making good on promises to ourselves.

We are walking contradictions. Open minded, yet steadfast in our beliefs. Infinitely curious, yet focused. Living life on purpose with purpose. Spreading our wings and stretching the boundaries.

We choose community over crowds. To be a part of something bigger without getting lost in the shuffle. Creating new relationships and forging lasting bonds.

We are hungry to learn. To question. To create. To explore. To imagine. We endeavor to find the better way. To know. To push forward. To challenge the status quo. To make our dent in the universe and change the world for the better.

We are excited about the future because we are the ones creating it. Tomorrow we will lead because today we choose to follow our own path. We are the independents and this is what we do.

Click here to download a PDF of the “We Are The independents” manifesto