
Spotlight on: Michigan Hispanic Collaborative

2023-07-11T21:59:11+00:00May 4th, 2023|

The Michigan Hispanic Collaborative (MiHC) was founded in 2016 by Michigan Colleges Alliance board member, JoAnn Chávez, to break the cycle of Hispanic poverty by helping Michigan Hispanic students and young professionals navigate the complexity of college access and early career by providing support, resources, and opportunities. MiHC works to empower Hispanic students to attend

Spotlight on: Our Newest Board Members

2023-07-11T21:58:29+00:00April 13th, 2023|

Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) recently announced the addition of several new members to the Board of Trustees, each elected for three-year terms. The new board members were selected based on their knowledge and expertise furthering the work of Michigan Colleges Alliance and its member colleges and universities. Charles Ash, a partner with Warner Norcross + Judd

Spotlight on: MCA College Community Challenge

2023-07-11T21:36:47+00:00March 8th, 2023|

Last year, Michigan Colleges Alliance launched the MCA College Community Challenge (MCA C-3) in partnership with the Ford Motor Company Fund and the Jandernoa Foundation. MCA C-3 brings together teams of students and faculty from MCA member institutions, along with local community partners, in a scholarship competition to create entrepreneurial solutions to impact and improve their campus communities. Some 70 students,

Spotlight on: MCA Concierge Career Connection

2023-07-11T21:41:52+00:00February 15th, 2023|

As you may know, part of the Michigan Colleges Alliance mission is to support the state’s growing workforce needs. Our Concierge Career Connection (CCC) offers a one-stop-shop for signature Michigan corporations, businesses and non-profit organizations to efficiently recruit student interns and full-time employees from MCA’s 14 member campuses and more than 42,000 students—Michigan’s “third largest

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