MCA Board of Trustees

Lizabeth Ardisana
Lizabeth ArdisanaCEO, ASG Renaissance
Charles Ash
Charles AshPartner, Warner Norcross & Judd LLP
Vicki Baker, Ph.D.
Vicki Baker, Ph.D.Professor of Economics and Management, Albion College
Robert Bartlett, Ph.D.
Robert Bartlett, Ph.D.President, Michigan Colleges Alliance
Sheila Bauer
Sheila BauerBauer Family Office
Steven Benscoter
Steven BenscoterPresident & Chief Operating Officer, Special-Lite
John Bourbeau, Jr.
John Bourbeau, Jr.President, Right Management
Seth Bushouse
Seth BushouseVice President of Human Resources, Gentex Corporation
Jason Byrne
Jason ByrnePartner, Warner Norcross + Judd
JoAnn Chávez
JoAnn ChávezSenior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, DTE Energy
Dan Gaydou
Dan GaydouPresident and CEO, DRG Advisory Services
Dan Graf
Dan GrafChief Investment Officer, Amerisure Mutual Holdings, Inc.
Gale Halsey
Gale HalseyVice President, Human Resources, Ford Motor Credit Company
John Jackoboice
John JackoboiceFourth and Fifth Capital Ventures, LLC
Roger Jansen, Ph.D.
Roger Jansen, Ph.D.Founder, HealthEco
TaRita Johnson
TaRita JohnsonSenior Vice President, Talent & Diversity, The Right Place, Inc
Bob Jorth
Bob JorthExecutive Director, The Kalamazoo Promise
Brian Lennon
Brian LennonOf Counsel, Clark Hill PLC
Jim Meeks
Jim MeeksPresident, Rapids Venture
Cyrus Mistry, Chairman of the Board
Cyrus Mistry, Chairman of the BoardCEO, Mudita Venture Studios
Dan Musser
Dan MusserPresident, Musser Mackinac LLC
Jim B. Nicholson
Jim B. NicholsonChairman, PVS Chemicals
Larry Ott
Larry OttSenior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, Cooper Standard
Judy Paputa
Judy PaputaSenior Vice President, Business Finance, Comerica Bank
Doug Peterson
Doug PetersonVice President, Human Resources, Shape Corporation (retired)
Darren Riley
Darren RileyCo-Founder & CEO, JustAir Solutions
Barb Runyon
Barb RunyonSenior Vice President & CHRO, Gentherm
Joel Schellhammer
Joel SchellhammerFounder, Tiasquam Development
Mike Schmidt
Mike SchmidtDirector, Education and Global Community Development, Ford Motor Company Fund
Matt Wey
Matt WeyManaging Director, Marsh & McLennan Companies
David Wiltjer
David WiltjerDirector of Talent Acquisition, Eide Bailly